Friday, August 13, 2010

"Can We Talk About the Mail?"

Lately I'm loving the show "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". Maybe it's the Philly setting, maybe it's the hysterical characters, it's all good really. Or maybe it's the reassurance that, relative to Charlie, Dee, Mac, Frank, and Dennis, I'm a pretty good candidate for prospective employers.
Here's a drawing from a Sunny scene where Charlie starts working a mail room job and loses his mind... in a hilarious way, of course.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Why Blog? Why Not.

Why did I make this blog? I did it to talk about how design is such an integral part of life! To talk about how design can bring people together! To talk about design methods floating around in cyberspace right now! But most importantly, I've created this blog for the same reason Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and the like are so wildly popular... I made it to talk about myself. I am just another recent college graduate, unsure of what my next step in life should be, in need of a way to burn off steam and keep the creative juices flowing after a long day of job hunting and contemplating my life. That's what this blog is really for -and also to avoid job hunting and contemplating my life, which is working very well so far, thank you.

Ok now here is a drawing I made. It's about the confusing nature of existence. And about an octopus.